Boat Slip Leasing

Homer Smith’s Docks and Marina has wet slips and boat lifts that can allow for vessels up to 150 feet including three phase power. Maintaining 8 foot on mean low water. Boat slip rentals are available for leasing on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Our pricing is based on slip sized needed. Large vessels will be placed in larger slips while smaller vessels will be placed in smaller slips.
Call us at 252.728.2944 or email us to reserve your slip today!
Leasing Pricing
Length | Width | Monthly | Annual Pricing |
Wet Slips | 28-65 ft. | 18-19 ft. | Call for availability | Pricing based on slip size needed |
Boat Lifts | 13,000-16,000 lbs | Accommodating boats up to 36 ft. | $950/month with annual lease and re-occurring credit card | $10,000 annually |